Search Engine Optimization Services

How Does On Target Get You Found?

Snap. Hotbot. AskJeeves. Those are a blast from the past when it comes to SEO, but we were there. In fact, On Target was one of the first boutique SEO agencies in Orlando many moons (and Google searches). 

SEO is in our DNA and when your brand needs to get more eyeballs on its website, we should probably talk. Around here, SEO is driven by content. We do it the right way. The white hat way, the “we love Google’s Panda update” way. Why? Because humans — not bots — are the ones brands have to please in order to rank well for the long term. 

If other SEO firms swear they’ll get you to page 1 in a week with a trusted group of backlinks, run. Sprint. Move away from them ASAP. Any SEO firm worth their salt knows that lasting SEO improvements come from adding valuable, user-driven content to websites, effectively monitoring links, and knowing how the meta-data-mystery sauce works. All of our SEO clients receive fresh, amazing content, that content is the fuel that keeps the digital world happy.

the on target


At the end of the day, true SEO is all about the customer experience and how well we’ve compelled your audience with amazing content. Yes, we know there’s technical stuff to be done and yes, we do that well, but the true meat and potatoes is a stream of remarkable content that will pull people to your brand AND attract the likes of Google.

SEO Smarts

With SEO there is a lot of techie stuff that has to happen behind the scenes and our team fully gets and understands that. From the way that your site is built, to structured data, to how we label your navigation items, the technical bits and bobs are really important. Once we get all up under the hood of your site, we’ll see just what we’ve got going on and get it patched right up. We’ll also look at your reach across the internet and make certain that everything is humming. Google ranks websites based on a myriad of ever-changing factors. Our SEO team knows where to focus, and how to get it dialed in. We also keep up-to-date whenever Google rolls out even the teeniest of algorithm changes, and we read all the SEO publications to make sure we’re using the latest information to inform our work.

Optimized Content

Your content plays a vital role in getting those crazy Google spiders to crawl your site. Our content team knows SEO and will spend the quality time it takes to optimize your website content to please humans and pesky bots alike. (After all, it’s humans who are reading your website and buying your product. Bots don’t have credit cards…) We’ll adjust each and every title and meta description on your website to attract humans through the search engine results AND preach to Google what each and every page of your content is all about. Translation: This helps your SEO hum.

Fuel With Content

We love the saying “you can’t expect what you don’t inspect.” (We have NO idea who said it, but like most wise quotes on the internet, it was probably Abraham Lincoln, Buddha, or Beyonce.) We spend the quality time that it takes to rummage through your Google Analytics to understand just what’s working, what’s not, what’s resonating, what’s making Google happy and all kinds of other fun data-based elements. In the SEO world, the numbers AND the rankings don’t lie, so our team becomes intimately involved with your data. If a keyword is struggling in a highly competitive field, we’ll optimize more content to support it. If you’re trying to get a new sector of your business up and running, our content team will whip up SEO-driven web copy, landing pages, and blogs to get you ranking for the service. SEO efforts and content should exist in harmony!

Zero Tolerance for BS SEO Ideas

​​Look. We’re experts. We’ve been doing this since the Apple iPod was cool. We know MANY SEO companies promise that your brand will be Number 1 in a week by paying them an exorbitant fee. Save the money, take a breath, and tell those guys to stop scamming people. They aren’t Google. They aren’t on Google’s payroll, they don’t get some uber special connection to the Google Gods with certification that enables them to pull a knob and make you number 1.

(And just so we’re crystal on this: if anyone gets you to number 1 through backlinking in a week or two, take screenshots of your placement while you can because your website will take a nosedive. You’ll be left with a pile of code bloat the size of Everest and excess links to businesses you’ve never heard of. We know because we’ve had to help clients scale that mountain after their sites and SEO performance tanked.)

At the end of the day, true SEO is all about the customer experience and how well we’ve compelled your audience with amazing content. Yes, we know there’s technical stuff to be done and yes, we do that well, but the true meat and potatoes is a stream of remarkable content that will pull people to your brand AND attract the likes of Google.